52, Bd Abdelmoumen – 20340 Casablanca – Morocco


Article 37-001 UPU / Convention Manual-2019

Hybrid mail

1. Hybrid mail is an electronic-based postal service whereby the sender posts the original message in either a physical or an electronic form, which is then electronically processed and converted into a letter-post item for physical delivery to the addressee. Where national legislation so permits, and when the sender or the addressee so requests, the designated operator effecting delivery may convert the original transmission received to non-physical means (such as fax, e-mail, or SMS) or to multiple means.
1.1 Where physical delivery to the addressee is used, the information is generally transmitted by electronic means for the longest possible part of the process and physically reproduced at a premises as close to the recipient’s address as possible.

With nearly 20 years of experience in this field, Gemadec has become a worldwide reference in hybrid mail with its ePost Suite solution, which constitutes an essential first step in the modernization of postal organizations. Thanks to technological innovations and advanced functionalities of ePost Suite, Gemadec has been able to contribute to the development of several prestigious postal services.

Hybrid mail scheme

Certification authority

Digital stamp

Electronic registered letter

Electronic wallet

Automated locker

Postal and banking ERP

Outsourcing of mailroom services

Remote bank account opening

Credit granting automation

Online contracting

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