Touhami RABII
Since its inception, almost 45 years ago, Gemadec has acquired an extensive professional experience in advising and supporting large public and private groups, postal organizations, governments and ministerial departments, by implementing daily human and technical resources to match their ambitions, in a spirit of partnership and performance.
At a time when companies, as well as administrations and public authorities, are increasingly integrating services into their digital platforms, Gemadec has established itself as a strategic partner for these organizations that want to build their new digital ecosystem and design their future value chains. Our highly qualitative business approach, allows us to provide our customers with a top-notch operational approach in many strategic areas such as document dematerialization, hybrid mails, biometrics, digital services and other "e-government" programs.
That is why our core values are daily work and challenge, strong trust links with our clients and partners, tailor-made service and the use of the latest technological innovations, to build business processes that we always strive to make more efficient for our customers. Our approach is always based on the same principle: listening, understanding and responding, on time and on budget, to the client's key goal of how to make a successful digital transformation for more value creation.
At the heart of our DNA, our approach to digital transformation is based on supporting our clients' mutations and evolutions in a win-win innovation contract.